National Protocol for UK Route Development Funds
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::::Jim Mason::::
2006-06-30 21:38:34 UTC
National Protocol for UK Route Development Funds

Policy Background

The Air Transport White Paper1 sets out the UK Government's support for the
sustainable development of regional airports and air services in order to:
.. support the growth of the economies of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
and the English Regions;

.. relieve congestion at more over-crowded airports, particularly in the
South East of England and therefore make better use of existing capacity;

.. reduce the need for long-distance travel to and from airports; and
.. give passengers greater choice.

In response to this agenda, the White Paper invited the Welsh Assembly
Government and English Regional Development Agencies to consider whether or
not they would wish to set up Route Development Funds (RDFs) of a similar
nature to those already in existence in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Such
RDFs could, where there is evidence of the requirement for limited and
carefully targeted start-up aid, facilitate the development of new direct
services to important business and inbound tourism markets from regional
airports that are underperforming relative to their peers.

Full document

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Joe Curry
2006-07-01 05:44:16 UTC
Post by ::::Jim Mason::::
In response to this agenda, the White Paper invited the Welsh Assembly
Government and English Regional Development Agencies to consider whether or
not they would wish to set up Route Development Funds (RDFs) of a similar
nature to those already in existence in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
One assumes HM gov will be doing the funding? Is this the case in
Scotland or is Scotland doing the funding themselves?
The web portal for Scotland's
most convenient/accessible airport.
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