"John Reid" <***@nospam.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> Joe Curry wrote in message <***@zetnet.co.uk> :
>>The message <***@gmx.net>
>>from GM <***@gmx.net> contains these words:
>>> > You have exposed your self as a wicked usenet troll. Everyone
>>> > understands you.
>>> http://tinyurl.com/ynfzrw
>>> Way to go, guys!!!!
>>The author of that piece of libel/defamation
>>is on the official troll list along with yourself
>>Reproduced here.;;;;;;
>>alt.airports.uk.edinburgh official troll list.
>>Those listed have breached the guidelines of this newsgroup.. their
>>activities can be researched here:
>>The guidelines they have breached here:
>>"Jim Arnold" ***@hotmail.com
>>jim ***@avig.com
>>"B" ***@btopenworld.com
>>"Zippy" ***@hotmail.com
>>"Doug Maclean" <***@btopenworld.com>
>>"Andrew Scotland" ***@aol.com
>>"ALLYGLA" ***@blueyonder.co.uk
>>"John Dundas" ***@btinternet.com
>>The Voice of EDI ***@boing.com
>>Sunshine On Leith ***@boing.com
>>"Jon Simpson" ***@surfandpict.co.uk
>>"Moderator" ***@aussiemail.com.au
>>GM ***@gmx.net
>>"GLAGAZ" ***@hotmail.com
>>"fred" ***@fred.net
>>"clot" ***@ntlglobe.goon
>>"David Kerr" ***@lineone.net
>>John Reid ***@nospam.demon.co.uk
>>Surfer! ***@
>>More will be added if infringements continue and aliases change.
>>Joe Curry
>>Newgroup proponent...fighting the trolls who wish to change the
>>newsgroup agenda.
> I made it into the list - that was quick, I think I have made about three
> postings since this particular nonsense list was started. I suppose it
> fair enough for the abusers like Curry and Humberside to be able to talk
> only to themselves.
> --
> John
> Mail sent to the reply address will be binned automatically.
> Use my name with the domain (@+the rest)
LOL...Enjoy while you can John. Blueyonder have been asked to ponder why
they are knowingly hosting such a list and are they condoning the 'official'
part of the title.
I predict a short spell of much welcomed quietness from the LL soon :-)