Jim Mason
2006-08-09 05:47:32 UTC
Security shambles as airport is invaded for third night in row
Alastair Dalton, Scotsman Online, 09/08/06
More break-ins at Prestwick as protesters board US aircraft again 17 protesters
appear in court 'war crime detectives' said they were searching for arms bound
for Israel Key quote "The situation needs looked at very closely. First the
protesters are able to cut through the fence, then get into the airport and on
to a plane, which sounds very bad indeed. It would be of concern to me if I was
a passenger using Prestwick." - David Capitanchik, a terrorism expert
ANTI-WAR protesters broke into Prestwick airport for a third night running,
prompting alarm among security experts that aircraft could be vulnerable to
Full story at
which is ©2006 Scotsman.com
Extract posted with the kind permission of the Scotsman Group Syndications
Alastair Dalton, Scotsman Online, 09/08/06
More break-ins at Prestwick as protesters board US aircraft again 17 protesters
appear in court 'war crime detectives' said they were searching for arms bound
for Israel Key quote "The situation needs looked at very closely. First the
protesters are able to cut through the fence, then get into the airport and on
to a plane, which sounds very bad indeed. It would be of concern to me if I was
a passenger using Prestwick." - David Capitanchik, a terrorism expert
ANTI-WAR protesters broke into Prestwick airport for a third night running,
prompting alarm among security experts that aircraft could be vulnerable to
Full story at
which is ©2006 Scotsman.com
Extract posted with the kind permission of the Scotsman Group Syndications
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