I think you have it wrong matey. I am not a bully, neither is Mr. Curry.
You are the one with the bully boys, Simple Simpson, Mason, and Co. I just
asked you to abide by the faq, you are the one who began bully boy tactics
by ignoring my requests, and having your friends come here to crosspost and
in the words of Mr Simple, to piss me off.
You and your friends are the losers, I am sure readers of this NG can see
what you have been upto.
I am not a thief, theft is illegal, its arrestable, and I have not been
arrested, interviewed, threatened with legal action or anything. Your
mutterings are offensive, as they are wrong.
Post by KingfisherYou denigrate people, Joe only denigrates links. You lose.
I certainly denigrate those in society who threaten and bully others (like
Curry and yourself), and also those who steal from others, or encourage
other people to do so (like both of you as well). I don't see where losing
comes into it.
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